Julia de Rosenwerth

Web Design for Artists

Julia Ruzyczka de Rosenwerth is an artist, teacher, researcher, and web designer. She holds a Bachelor of Music in Dance from the University of Cape Town with majors in Choreography and Philosophy and a Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Performance Praxis from the Rhodes University Drama Department.

Julia moves between the digital and embodied worlds of web design and dance, as she pursues her, often very divergent, vocations. What she has discovered is that, in fact, these worlds aren’t as divergent as they initially seem. There are many potential areas of connection, which Julia is always interested in exploring. 


Julia specialises in:

  • Designing and implementing websites for artists (of any and all mediums) – especially online portfolios & archives of work.
  • Special web-projects that may accompany artistic research or emerge as a result of artistic research.
  • Websites for arts organisations, small businesses and companies.

Artistic Portfolios

Research Projects

Organisations & Business
